Saturday, February 1, 2014

Millennium Space Age Theory

Seth Garrett

In reading Isaiah a couple times, a certain verse popped out to me and triggered this "Millennium Space Age" theory.

Isaiah 45:18 "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else."

To me it seemed like God was defining the purpose for the creation of planets - to be inhabited.

Technically he is only talking about the Earth, but that brings up a question - if God is not a respecter of persons (not a discriminator), then why would he be a respecter of planets?  Why would Earth's value be contingent on being inhabited but Mars not so?

If God created 100^x  of planets, but none of them ever had life on them, I would agree with God's logic - they were created in vain.
If we gaze over our own solar system, we see an unusually high number of planets.  Yet it seems like only ours is fully suited for life as we know it.  What would be God's plan for the other planets?  

It seems strange that an all powerful being would create BILLIONS of stars and BILLIONS of planets, but only develop life on the earth.  I mean, star gazing is cool, but for billions of years? God would have to get bored of just the same old stars, planets, and explosions.  Life, especially intelligent life, would be so much more interesting to create.  And if God was able to create children and put them on the planets, that would make things meaningful for him.  It would give him purpose.  It would give him emotional fulfillment.  

But if populating the planets is God's ideal plan for the universe, what is he waiting on?  Does the fact that our neighbor planets do not seem to be suited for life mean that he doesn't have a plan for them?  

That’s when I connected the dots with Jacob Chapter 5 in the Book of Mormon.

Jacob Chapter 5 is a fascinating and intimate parable of God's effort with mankind over millennia.

The chapter describes a Master (God) of the vineyard (Earth) pruning the main olive tree (Israelites).  He desires to collect good fruit from his vineyard.

The main tree (Israelites) become bad (wicked), so the Master (God) clips off the bad branches (wicked) and puts wild branches (foreign nations) in the stead hereof (Assyrian / Babylonian invasions and the following genetic assimilation).

Then God takes young branches (small groups of Israelites) from the main tree (Israelites) and tries to grow new trees (new countries) in other areas of the vineyard (Earth).  Some examples of this might be the 10 tribes, the Nephites, or the Mulekites.

Even despite God's efforts every tree in the vineyard was going bad (Dark Ages).  The trees grew faster than their roots (pride and success of a people grew faster than the strength of their good cultural values).  Some examples of this might be the Roman collapse, the Nephite collapse, or the collapse of other empires, etc.

Instead of destroying everything, the Master's (God's) servant presents an idea for preserving the trees.  They will examine each tree (each country) and only destroy the most wicked branches (people) of each tree (country).  Then they will fill in the gaps with branches (people) from foreign trees - taking branches from the main trees and mix them with the peripheral trees, and branches from the peripheral trees back into the main tree.  Some examples of this might be when Japan attacked America, Hawaii was damaged and Japan was damaged.  Then Americans built bases in Japan and mixed with the people.  Asians came to Hawaii and mixed with the Americans and Natives.  

Globalization is causing this "mixing" to happen more and more.  Foreign trees are being grafted together all the time.  And rather than massive wars, only the most wicked locations/people are destroyed to slowly prune the vineyard.

Jacob Chapter 5 finishes with a miraculous result - by sending out servants (missionaries) to nourish the trees (encourage traditional values) and keeping the tree from growing faster than the roots (maintaining cultural values despite economic/technological growth), good fruit is produced (righteous people).  The good fruit is amazingly equally good no matter which tree it comes from.  They are all one.  And the this pure culture takes over and the vineyard is no more corrupt!  Righteousness wins!  And thats when the millennium takes place where God gets to collect good fruit for a "long time" until the bad comes back and the world is burned with fire.

That caused me to think about the millennium.  The millennium  as I understand it, will be a time when Jesus will return to the earth.  He will save his followers from destruction   Wickedness will be no more.  The dead will resurrect and go where the resurrected people need to go.  Those living will continue to live and raise children under Jesus's world wide kingdom.  Prophecies say that they will not learn war anymore.  They will be turned to a pure language.  People grow to the age of a tree (extended lifespan).  All people will obey the law of Zion.  Righteousness will succeed for 1000 years.  And then wickedness will come back and there will be a final war before Earth is turned into a Celestial Kingdom.

What is the purpose of the millennium?  What are we going to do for a thousand years?  I believe that overpopulation of the earth will actually become an issue because there are 
1) no wars,
2) a bunch of people who believe in big families,
3) people who don't die because they live to the age of a tree.

But luckily, I also believe that technology will continue to skyrocket (especially under the constant influence of an omnipotent  intelligence on the earth).

So what is the solution to our Millennium Overpopulation dilemma?  When I finally put two and two together, I realized that it is all according to God's omnipotent plan.  He wants a Millennium!  He wants overpopulation!  Because he wants to export us to other planets and fulfill the reason for their creation.  I believe that the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ will usher in a Space Age on the earth.

Just like he wanted good fruit (righteous people) on the Earth, he similarly wants to spread his "pure olive trees" to other planets and grow more good fruit!  He has to make sure the planet starts off with a pure culture so that Satan can't trick it into self-destruction.

When I began to look at things this way, I realized that the Earth is a seed for the rest of the galaxy.  That is why Jesus came here to suffer and not to some other planet.  It is because Earth is the battle ground that dictates the future of ever single planet in our galaxy.  If Satan is able to tempt mankind into blowing himself up, God's plan is frustrated and all the other planets are in vain.  Of course God could re-create, but who wants to do that when you've already spent millions of years on the first go?

Julia Helen Lowe
Ok first, awesome theory, my boyfriend would love that. What's cool also is that, because we're on the opposite side of the philosophical scale, we have completely different explanations for what's going on in the universe, and yet, those explanations have led us to the same conclusions about what needs to happen to the human race in the future. Very cool. If your beliefs are leading you to value technology and the expansion of the human race, then, cheers, we're on the same team, the same side of history. It's those who assume the "end" is near and so think, why worry about the destruction of this planet? Why worry about advancing technology? It will all be over soon anyway.... Those are the people I don't relate with, and I actually think are dangerous if this species is going to survive, or in your case, if God's plan to populate the galaxy isn't to be foiled. 

Seth Garrett

 Julia Helen Lowe
So let's get deeper though,

Seth Garrett
oooh! no one ever says that to me!!

Julia Helen Lowe

Why does God concern himself with populating the universe with life? Is it life in general that he fancies or is it only humans, because of their god-potential? And if so, why is he running this god-factory? Does being in a perpetual god-factory really have that much meaning? Who cares if there are more gods? Don't we have enough?

Seth Garrett
Its all about storing up good fruit according to Jacob 5, but you bring up a good point.  What does that mean and why does it matter?

I think there are a lot of factors in why God wants to have righteous children inhabit all his planets.

Moses 1:39 clarifies God's purpose - my work and my glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Other scriptures talk about a concept of "glory".

There is the concept of an eternal increase and the concept of eternal rounds.

And there is the relationship between parent and child, creator and creation.

And then there are spiritual connections in general.

First off, my theory is based more on a limited yet all powerful God, rather than a super all powerful God. A super all powerful God would follow a Calvinistic belief that God has ultimately decided everyone’s destiny.  This type of belief negates the plan of free agency where God limits himself from controlling our actions.

Because I believe in a God who limits himself, his area of limitation would become of the most interest to him.  It is the only thing he can't control.  Yet at the same time, it becomes the most important thing to him, because we are his children.

A perfectly good God would naturally want others to be happy.  Perhaps intelligent life is more valuable to God because it is a better medium for helping spirits (his children) gain eternal happiness.

Because God is good, he experiences happiness when others are happy.  Therefore he has a return on investment.  The more children, the more return on investment.

Its about creating eternal relationships.  Negative relationships have a never ending cycle downward.  When you harm me, I feel revenge and want to harm you twice.  When I harm you twice, you want to harm me four times, etc.  

Positive relationships are the opposite.  The more I help you, the more you want to help me, and it grows into a pillar of ever increasing happiness.  The more God can develop positive relationships with his children, the more his eternal happiness will grow.  

The range of God's influence and power grow as more things are created and as more things obey him.  If God only governs one planet, he has less glory than a God who governs a galaxy.

When God's children grow and develop into God-children, they might build their own sub-universes and become God's of their own realms.  When God's God-children create planets and populate them with children (God's grandchildren), they create more happiness (relationships) within their sub-universe.  This makes God's God-child happy, which flows upward to make God happy. 

The pyramid structure of the Multi-verse is what can make for a perfect cycle of ever increasing happiness.  This is why I believe God wants his children to populate the universe.

BOARD GAME: The Plan of Salvation

Hey guys!!

My name is Seth and I designed "The Plan of Salvation" board game!  It is an exciting game where all the players race through life hoping to attain a greater glory in heaven!  While based on Christian - LDS values, all people can learn something new!  Bad choices in life slow you down while good choices give you a boost! 

The game is based off of "Chutes and Ladders" (originally called "Snakes and Ladders").  Did you know that "Chutes and Ladders" originated in India where they called the game "The Ladder to Salvation"?  India recognized the moral teachings within the game that has been forgotten for too long! 

"The Plan of Salvation" board game is appropriate for all age groups.  It trains the mind in God's word while teaching people about the consequences of their decisions.  This is a great game to play as a family.    

The in addition to "good deeds" and "bad deeds" that move you forwards or backwards, there are also "scripture chase" and "personal question" squares that keep everyone in competition for the right answers!

I've shopped around for difference manufacturers but it is very expensive to produce board games.  The minimum order quantity for my current manufacturer is 500 units!!  The cost comes out to $13,500 on my end!! I don't have the money to risk buying $13,500 worth of board games and hoping they sell!  Thats where you come in!    

I need you to help prove that there is a demand for religious board games! There are too many adult games and entertainment in the world and too few wholesome games that teach morals.  Please support this effort to provide quality games to families.  I can't do any of this without the minimum $13,500 so I can order the first batch.  Please donate today.     


Please check out the kickstarter website to donate!