Saturday, February 1, 2014

BOARD GAME: The Plan of Salvation

Hey guys!!

My name is Seth and I designed "The Plan of Salvation" board game!  It is an exciting game where all the players race through life hoping to attain a greater glory in heaven!  While based on Christian - LDS values, all people can learn something new!  Bad choices in life slow you down while good choices give you a boost! 

The game is based off of "Chutes and Ladders" (originally called "Snakes and Ladders").  Did you know that "Chutes and Ladders" originated in India where they called the game "The Ladder to Salvation"?  India recognized the moral teachings within the game that has been forgotten for too long! 

"The Plan of Salvation" board game is appropriate for all age groups.  It trains the mind in God's word while teaching people about the consequences of their decisions.  This is a great game to play as a family.    

The in addition to "good deeds" and "bad deeds" that move you forwards or backwards, there are also "scripture chase" and "personal question" squares that keep everyone in competition for the right answers!

I've shopped around for difference manufacturers but it is very expensive to produce board games.  The minimum order quantity for my current manufacturer is 500 units!!  The cost comes out to $13,500 on my end!! I don't have the money to risk buying $13,500 worth of board games and hoping they sell!  Thats where you come in!    

I need you to help prove that there is a demand for religious board games! There are too many adult games and entertainment in the world and too few wholesome games that teach morals.  Please support this effort to provide quality games to families.  I can't do any of this without the minimum $13,500 so I can order the first batch.  Please donate today.     


Please check out the kickstarter website to donate!

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